
“Dear all at Streetkatz,”

We just wanted to send you an update on Cedric, 4 months after he came to live with us and became Lord of the House!  Ceddie, (or Fuzzy) is the most wonderful character and constantly makes us laugh.  We think perhaps his grumpiness was down to not liking being around other cats - since he's had the free run of our house, our garden, all the gardens in our road etc, he's lost all his grumpiness and just rules the area!  He's a friendly boy, unfazed by visitors (even children) and thankfully leaves our fish alone!  He sleeps on our bed every night, grudgingly allowing us to sleep there too, occasionally!  He's useful as an alarm clock during the week, miaowing like mad for his breakfast on the dot of 5.15am every morning, but unfortunately the concept of "a weekend lie-in" has passed him by...!!  Ceddie has recently undertaken a single-pawed reduction policy on the local wildlife....so far he's killed 2 1/2 birds (we think one escaped, but relieved of a fair few feathers, which ended up on Ced - see pic) and one frog and was so proud to be able to give us such lovely presents!  He adores us, but of course, only at breakfast and dinner time ;) he likes to be close to us and is always in the room with us in the evening, preferably on a piece of newspaper!  He LOVES playtime, but being so big, strong and destructive he has killed about 6 feather sticks, so we're now using ribbon as it seems to be more durable!  He's incredibly clean, constantly washing his beautiful fur which is sleek and glossy all the time now, although he does shed like a monster and we have to hoover most days to get rid of the fluff on the carpet!!

We love him to pieces, and are so, so happy that we could bring him somewhere where he can be in charge and settled, and he certainly seems to be extremely happy now, with his two slaves at his beck and call at all times!  Thank you so much for giving us the opportunity to adopt Ceddie - he's our little monster and has turned out to be a little, black ball of sunshine!

I attach some pictures of Ced in his many, contortionist positions - his favourite is the superman, on his back with his arms and legs outstretched, where he takes up the entire end of the bed before wriggling in his sleep and falling off!!

Best wishes
— Rebecca, Simon and Lord Cedric